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Top Industries To Target For UK Tier 2/ Skilled Worker Job in 2021

| 4 minutes, 48 seconds

How Do I Know Which Industries To Target For UK Tier 2 / Skilled Worker Job In 2021?

If you are considering applying for a Skilled Worker visa (previously known as a Tier 2 General visa) in 2021, when it comes to finding a job, it is useful to know which businesses and industries to target. With the ending of the UK’s involvement in EU free movement at the end of 2020, and the introduction of a new immigration system, it will now be more difficult to find roles in sectors which require lower-skilled workers. The new immigration rules state, “There will not be a general route for employers to recruit at or near the minimum wage”. This will rule out many roles in sectors which have traditionally recruited within the EU for lower-skilled labour such as agriculture and hospitality. In this article, we will discuss how to find out which industries you should target when looking for a Tier 2 / Skilled worker role in the UK.

Look At The List Of Sponsor License Holders

One of the best resources to find out which sectors and businesses to focus your recruitment energies into is the Home Office’s list of sponsor license holders . There are currently just under 39,000 sponsors on the list. While this doesn’t list potential sponsors by industry sector, it will give you a good idea of where the most employment opportunities are. The majority of sponsors are listed as ‘Skilled Worker’ sponsors, meaning that you will need to be eligible for a visa in this category. You will need a qualification equivalent to RQF level 3 (this is A-Level or above in the UK) in order to apply to any of the ~39,000 businesses.

Look At The Shortage Occupation List (SOL)

Another way to find out which business types to aim for when applying for a Skilled Worker role in the UK is to look at the Shortage Occupation List (SOL). The SOL lists all of the roles for which there is a lack of supply to meet demand within the UK. Many of the roles are in sectors such as science, engineering, IT, and art/music/dance. There is a separate SOL which is maintained for roles in healthcare and education – hence these are also sectors you may wish to consider targeting. This list includes health and care roles such as allied health professions (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and speech and language therapists), nurses, paramedics, social workers, and medical practitioners. The education roles include nursery, primary, and secondary teachers.

Online Search Tools For Skilled Worker Roles In The UK

Online search tools, such as our ‘Tier 2 Companies Search’ utility can also be used to search for roles by industry sector. To do this, first, click on the link, then the ‘job search’ tab, type in an industry, then click search. Also, by clicking the ‘only show companies that offer sponsorship’, you can narrow down the search results to show only businesses on the list of sponsor license holders. By using this tool, you will be able to see if there is a current demand in those industries for which you have skills, qualifications, and experience.

Target The 70 New Roles Added To The Shortage Occupation List

Following a recent review by the Migration Advisory Committee, 70 new occupations have been added to the SOL, in large part due to the lowering of the qualification threshold from RQF level 6 (degree level) to RQF level 3 (the equivalent of A-level). The MAC recommended the inclusion of jobs such as nursing auxiliaries and assistants, residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors, senior care workers, butchers, and bricklayers and masons.

The full list of recommended roles includes the following (the number before the role type is the applicable Standard Occupational Classification - the SOC code):

  • 1181 Health services and public health managers and directors - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 1242 Residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 2213 Pharmacists - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 3111 Laboratory Technicians - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 3131 IT operations technicians - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 3412 Authors, writers and translators - Only Interpreters in this occupation code
  • 3539 Business and related associate professionals n.e.c. - Only the following jobs in this occupation code: Data analyst and Business Analyst
  • 3565 Inspectors of standards and regulations - Only the following jobs in this occupation code: Meat Hygiene Inspectors, also known as Official Auxiliaries
  • 5112 Bricklayers and masons - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 5119 Agricultural and fishing trades n.e.c. - Only those jobs in the fishing industry
  • 5212 Moulders, core makers & die casters - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 5215 Welding trades - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 5223 Metal working production and maintenance fitters - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 5231 Vehicle technicians, mechanics and electricians - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 5241 Electricians and electrical fitters - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 5249 Electrical & electronic trades n.e.c. - Only the following jobs in this occupation code: Fire alarm technicians and Electronics hardware design engineers
  • 5431 Butchers - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 6131 Veterinary nurses - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 6141 Nursing auxiliaries and assistants - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 6144 Houseparents and residential wardens - All jobs in this occupation code
  • 6146 Senior care workers - All jobs in this occupation code

Wrapping Up

By identifying sectors and suitable role types (aligned to your background, skills, and qualifications) for which there is a greater demand, you will maximise your chances of securing a sponsored job in the UK. We wish you the very best of luck in your job hunting in 2021.

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